Cocaine Use Signs Etc

Case # 5
Abnormalities in vital signs and routine tests (CBC, lytes, urinalysis, EKG, etc) should prompt additional evaluations. Hypoglycemia should be determined immediately with bedside testing. A drug screen should be positive for cocaine metabolites and is useful to evaluate other drug use. … Fetch Doc

East Jamaica Conference Of Seventh Day Adventists
Stimulate or speed up the brain and nervous system e.g. Seasoned Spliff Amphetamines Nicotine (tobacco), caffeine(coffee, tea, Pepsi, etc), Cocaine staying up all night, sleeping all day, refusal to wake up Changes in appetite, increase or decrease, craving for certain foods, sweets, etc Signs … Access Document

Common And Popular Drugs
Common signs of drug use are any changes in friends, clothes, attitude, interests or communication difficulties. drugs open the door to more serious drugs such as; crack, cocaine, etc. … Retrieve Full Source

SYMPTOM COCAINE SELECTIVE SEVERITY ASSESSMENT This is an interview, not a questionnaire. Ask the patient about each of the symptom areas and … Read Content

Making ChangesChanges
Speed/cocaine use led to health, social, legal or leading to serious damage to the body’s organs such as the liver, heart etc. These can include the following- please tick the box if you have any of these signs: Wanting cocaine very … View Doc

Any Action – Amphetamine (Class B) Speed, Billy, Whizz, Sulph …
Moroccan etc. Chilled out', relaxed, happy, talkative, giggles, hunger pangs, paranoia, Self seal bags, tooters, cigarette papers (to wrap and then swallow), bags with traces of white powder. Signs similar to Cocaine use … Fetch Doc

Glamorise This!
Depression Stroke Cerebral haemorrhage Heart failure Renal failure Death from respiratory arrest Cocaine – Signs of use mths ago Being aggressive or violent It’s affecting your mental health; depression, anxiety etc., It’s affecting your sexual health; impotence, promiscuity, failure to use … Fetch Here

Substance Abuse In The Workplace
SIGNS BEHAVIORAL SIGNS LONG TERM EFFECTS Cocaine: ♦ Nasal congestion ♦ Runny nose aHyperactivity (evident with the use of cocaine, amphetamines, etc.) aParanoia (evident with cocaine use) … Doc Retrieval

Recognizing The Signs And Symptoms Of Drugs And Alcohol
Persons in recognizing the signs, symptoms of drugs and alcohol for Cocaine Street Names: Coke, Snow, Nose Candy, Flake, Blow, Big C, Lady, White, and Department of Health and Human Services, the individual would have to use marijuana in some manner (e.g., smoke, eat in food, etc). … Fetch Document

Of marijuana has been increasing since the 1970s STREET NAMES Pot Herb Weed Grass Boom Mary Jane Gangster Chronic Green Budda Etc. Methods of Use Addiction Statistics and Trends COCAINE Cont. Cont. Types of Cocaine Methods of Use Street Names Who’s using Cocaine? Signs of use … Retrieve Content

In Case Of An Overdose, Call An Ambulance Immediately (Dial …
In case of an overdose, call an ambulance immediately (Dial "000") Signs of a cocaine overdose: irrational behaviour agitation and hostility paranoid term or heavy use: severe damage to the nose and nasal passage (when "snorted") symptoms similar to a bad cold – runny nose, watery eyes etc. … Access Doc

N Seeing someone that you associate with cocaine use n Emotions such as frustration, stress, boredom, depression, excitement, happiness, etc n Familiar objects, smells and sounds Physical signs of Cravings can include: … Read More

Nedle marks, upper extremity edema, chronic sinusitis, perforated nasal septum from cocaine use chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pregnancy complications, gastrointestinal disorders etc begin beta-blocker or clonidine to reduce adrenergic signs … View This Document

Michael J. Bouchard, Sheriff
• Cookies, brownies, cakes, suckers, etc • Marijuana smoke has a pungent and TEEN COCAINE USE • •19.5% of eighth graders, 28.2% of tenth graders, PHYSICAL WARNING SIGNS • Physical warning signs of drug abuse … Read Document
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