Chrystal Hassell Goes on Motel Crack Cocaine Binge and Gives Birth in Bathtub

Chrystal Hassell goes on motel crack cocaine binge and gives birth in bathtub
Filed under: cocaine addiction during pregnancy
… been taken into custody by the Department of Children and Families, and the 11-month-old has been put into foster care. Hassell, 37, also has a 16-year-old daughter who was born addicted to drugs as a result of Hassell's drug use during her pregnancy. Read more on Daily Mail


'Horrible' past overshadows mom's second chance
Filed under: cocaine addiction during pregnancy
The past Arroyo is trying to put behind her is one of drug abuse and prostitution, and she has two older children who are now teenagers: a daughter who is being raised by Arroyo's mother and a son whom she lost contact with for years after custody was … Read more on The Journal News |