Mood Swings Cocaine Abuse

Methamphetamine And Cocaine
And Cocaine Differences Between Cocaine and Methamphetamine Cocaine effects: 1 to 2 hours. information Loss of ability to feel pleasure without the drug Paranoia Insomnia and fatigue Mood swings fumes that can burn lungs; can damage the brain, kidneys, or liver; and even can be fatal Abuse … Access Document

ABCs – Cocaine And Crack
• Heavy cocaine users can feel depressed, restless, agitated and nervous. They can have sleeping, eating and sexual problems. They can have dramatic mood swings, delusions, … Access Document

• Mood altering effects such as erratic mood swings, agitation, and depression can cause • Preparation of substances such as free-base cocaine can cause fire safety hazards. and Certification Program 533: Supervisory Skills and Knowledge Related to Substance Abuse … Doc Retrieval

Beyond The ABCs – Information For Professionals: Cocaine
Shortterm use, heavy use can cause mood swings, weight loss, constipation, impotence Cocaine is considered by many to be one of the most addictive of all drugs of abuse. … Fetch Document

Women, Ovarian Hormones, And Relapse To Addiction.
• Released by drugs of abuse, reinforcing drug seeking behavior response to nicotine and cocaine drug cues. • Women are more likely to relapse to cigarette use • Perimenopause: Crying easily, mood swings, sleep problem, fatigue, irritability and weight gain, … Fetch Doc

Michael J. Bouchard, Sheriff
COCAINE • HOW IS COCAINE USED? • The principal routes of cocaine administration nightmares, hallucinations, convulsions, mood swings, mental Use and Health (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration Web Site). … Read Full Source

Depression And Anxiety
Unhappy mood expressed as sadness, heaviness, numbness, or sometimes irritability, mood swings. Substance abuse: cocaine, narcotics, amphetamine, and alcohol. … Fetch Doc
DRUGS OF ABUSE Recreational Drugs: 1. Rewarding Subjective Effect 2. Affective Changes – “Mood Swings” 3. Cognitive Changes – “Logic Variations” 4. Amphetamine Slide 31 Slide 32 Slide 33 Slide 34 Slide 35 Slide 36 Slide 37 COCAINE Cocaine … Fetch Content

Article Management Of Substance Abuse
School performance, mood swings/personality changes, depression, isolation from family and friends, changes in Which one of the following clinical signs is more suggestive of heroin abuse than of cocaine or amphetamine abuse? … Fetch Content

Slide No
Methamphetamine or crank is one of the fastest growing drugs of abuse. These drugs create less intense and less expensive cocaine-like effects in the body. Signs and symptoms of abuse: Mood changes . Impaired concentration . Impaired mental functioning . Swings between apathy and alertness … Return Doc

Alcohol And Other Drugs
5 Cocaine (coke, rock, toot, blow, snow) Effects of cocaine can include: • accelerated heart rate surgical intervention Additional information can be found at blood pressure • Testicular shrinking, decreased sperm count, and infertility • Dramatic mood swings … Get Doc

Comparison Of The Signs And Symptoms Of Drugs Of Abuse
Comparison of the Signs and Symptoms of Drugs of Abuse DRUG APPEARANCE BEHAVIOR SPEECH ODOR Stimulant Cocaine Mood Swings Difficulty in Concentrating Hallucinations Overuse of Nasal Spray … Read Full Source

Cocaine Fact Sheet
Mood swings, restlessness, extreme excitability, sleep disorders, impotence, constipation, eating Using cocaine during pregnancy can cause miscarriage or premature birth, with multiple problems abuse, and a constant craving for the drug • Due to the chemical changes in dopamine caused by … Read Document

Hapter 14
Two forms of anabolic steroids Injectable solutions Pills Effects: mood swings, acne, liver tumors, elevated cholesterol levels Discuss the use and abuse of controlled substances, including cocaine, amphetamines, marijuana, opioids, hallucinogens, designer drugs, inhalants, and steroids. … Read Full Source