What Is Your Reason Why Smoking Is Bad? Look at These Statistics That Show It Improves.?

Question by Um Yeah: What is your reason why smoking is bad? Look at these statistics that show it improves.?
I just said WEED. =\
I just said WEED. =\
Why does everyone say its bad to smoke?

For one I found in Amersterdam:
Since weed was legalized:

1. Crime reduced majorly
2. People have more laid back mind.
3. Major drugs such as meth and herione, as barely you never see signs anymore of it at all.
4. People have become more intuned with nature, and others feelings.
5. More people care.
6. People feel better about themselves, suicide rates have reduced.
7. The major one: Amerstram is out of the economic problems, they have a lot of money and have given back alot and bring in more money than Mcdonalds ever will in a year.
8. Peoples have became more intuned with balance of how much intake.
9. Intelligence has gone up.

So tell me the real reason why you don’t like smokers?

It makes no sense.

I’m starting to think soberity provides illiteratence. No offense to sober people, but its a reality statement.
Stastics that crime rate went down:

Statistic only can carry more than 5 grams:

Guide of Amersterdam and weed:


Intelligence and Murders in Amsterdam:


Best answer:

Answer by chill23
Eh, I don’t have anything against smoking, but I wouldn’t do it myself. I prefer to be in control of my mind by myself, faults and all. I’m already laid back enough.

People I know that have smoked weed for a lot of years, are different. They can’t focus as well, and when talking to them, it is frustrating.
Nothing is proven of course, but from life experience, that is enough for me to not smoke. I want to be myself at all times.

Good point, about the psychosis. Another thing is, if you have an anxiety disorder, weed can make your anxiety tenfold.

Answer by MmKayy
Smoking like…… weed? or cigerettes?

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